7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values

Discover Personal Core values Hacks

7 Hacks To Discover Your Personal Core Values  Have you ever wondered what the secret to a fulfilled and happy life truly is? My goal in life has always been to touch people in a positive and meaningful way and to thrive and excel at whatever I do. You might be surprised to discover that discovering your personal core values is the quickest way to achieve this. So, if you have a similar desire to improve your life goals, well, this article will help you achieve just that.

Discover core values

Many people are lost and confused about where they are going in life. You might be one of them. However, defining what’s important to you will provide you with a roadmap for what you should be doing with your life. To achieve this discovering your core values will help you unearth the real essence of who you are and give you permission to live your most authentic life. 

You will discover, that this is the magic key to unlock the door to your happiness.

Why You Should Live Your Fundamental Values

Oprah Winfrey said that everyone has a calling and your real job is to figure out as soon as possible, what that is, who you are meant to be. The next step is to begin to honour that in the best way possible.

Winfrey went on to say that it doesn’t have to be about being a celebrity it could be answering a call in your community. It might start out as a whisper, but when you answer the call and follow it, you end up being the best that you can be.

This is really what living the authentic you is all about, your best self is calling you to be something greater than you are at this moment.

Discovering The True You 

7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values
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The hacks to discovering your personal core values are ultimately about maximizing your life experiences. This is why I wrote this Ebook “7 Core Values of The Most Phemonemally Successful People”. 

I spent many hours investigating what personal core values can help you tap into your capacity to become successful and empower you to beat out your own path.

In this ebook, you’ll discover how to align your actions with your positive fundamental beliefs to discover what ignites your passion and forces you to take action. The book explains how if you’re using your fundamental values to build habits that allow you to succeed on autopilot. are you can harness their power. Once done, it can make you remarkably mentally strong and successful.

If you don’t understand the true spirit of what makes you operate at your best and take action based on what elevates you and will allow you to thrive; you’ll not only become frustrated and unhappy but have a profound negative effect on your mental health. 

I remember the first real job I was about 21 years old and working in a call centre selling computer network installations. When I interviewed for the job, I was full of enthusiasm the thought of being able to help businesses set up computer systems that could streamline their business gave me a buzz. 

However, when I started the role, I realized that the company wasn’t set up to service the large companies there were targeting and the staff had no experience working with big business. 

My sense of integrity took a knocking and I realized that I couldn’t align my personal core values with the job I was doing. 

I, therefore, made the decision to leave the job and felt an amazing sense of relief. I soon got another job working in an advice centre where I could help people get out of debt and free their lives. This was not just made me feel valued and fulfilled it aligned with my core values.

Looking back on it now, I appreciate that as soon as I left the job my confidence and sense of purpose sorned. I discover how to value myself more and align my actions with what I really believe in, this has helped me to appreciate what really matters to me and build my confidence. If you would like to discover powerful tools that I recommend that will help you build harness your confidence, become, energized, and totally motivated click this link. 

Personal core values best version of self
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7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values Through The Power of Creation

When you answer your calling by discovering what’s important to you it gives you the license to take back your power and control. 

So don’t let others dedicate what you should be doing with your life. Instead, understand the power of who you are by harnessing your unique individuality.  

Although the 7 Hacks To Discover Your Personal Core Values doesn’t mention the power of creation to help you unearth your values it certainly plays a part.

When you step one of the 7 Hacks to discovering your values ask God, or if you don’t believe in God the power of creation ask how you can use your life to serve the world. And as Oprah states, you will find that it also serves you.  

“The biggest mistake people make is that they have to get paid for their calling”

Oprah Winfrey —

My own experience illustrates that when you know what you should be doing with your life it tells you what you should or shouldn’t be willing to do for money. 

How Personal Values Change Your Behaviour?
7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values

To help you being to unpack your calling further consider whether there’s anything in your life that you really want to push back against? 

Maybe it’s an injustice you’ve experienced that has challenged you to stop and think and feel you want to do something about it. 

I remember first becoming aware of my core values when I was just 14 and was reading a local newspaper article about a married couple that wasn’t getting along. The wife was being subjected to years of domestic abuse which resulted in her being beaten black and blue. Also, her husband was not contributing financially to the home which caused their four children to perform poorly at school. 

The husband had committed adultery on several occasions, as a result, there was chaos in the home, and social services and actively trying to prevent the abuse from affecting the children.

How Discovering Your Core Values Can
Change Your Life

I discovered that the news article had changed my life because of the impact it had on my sense of outrage. 

The article went into detail about how the whole family unit had badly broken down and was totally dysfunctional. Perhaps not surprisingly, the wife decided to file for divorce. But what really fascinated me as a 14-year-old child was part of the divorce petition that had been reproduced in the article which reminded me of a disturbing thriller. 

What I read went something like this: 

“The respondent subjected the petitioner to domestic violence on several occasions. One particular incident took place on 17 May. The petitioner was mounting the stairs with the respondent’s breakfast when suddenly he appeared in front of her. He aggressively grabbed her arms and attempted to push her down the stairs. The petitioner lost balance and staggered backward. The breakfast tray crashed to the ground, fortunately, however, she managed to prevent herself from falling by holding onto the banister. The petition was extremely shocked and distressed by the Respondent’s unprovoked aggressive behaviour”

At 14 I was struck by the level of violence between a married couple. My perception of what had happened was a woman attempting to care for her husband bringing him breakfast, yet being violently mistreated by him. I couldn’t get my head around why this vulnerable woman was being mistreated in this way.

Example of Personal Core Values

I soon realized that this railed against my personal core values – these are values such as:-

Active healthy happy life
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Justice, Integrity, Vulnerability, Inequality Personal rights, Human Rights, Fairness, Kindness, Caring. 

My sense of outrage led me to become a lawyer to fight against injustices.

I reached this decision because I was conscious of the need to answer my calling.  The article actually changed my life.

In fact, what my experience also shows is how understanding the values you hold can create extraordinary opportunities.

My decision to answer my calling also demonstrates how your decisions can potentially change other people’s lives, making a real difference to your community and the people you care about. 

If you would like to discover how you can discover your purpose and harness know exactly what your next steps to experience an active, healthy, and happy life click this link. 

How To Find Your Personal core values? Using
7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values Through Power

In truth, most people don’t understand what their personal core value is. But tend to focus on culture, society, surroundings, and what everybody says or thinks.

The process below, however, which has been summarised in the above chart will help you discover your core value. 

To truly knowing what they require effort and some reflection. 

Following the process below is designed to get you thinking about what steps will self-educate you so you can hone in on what your fundamental beliefs are. 

These beliefs often have nothing to do with your background, or the resources you have but instead, as Oprah Winfrey states it’s your willingness to take action to pinpoint what you truly stand for.

The next step is to develop a healthy obsession towards living your values and building on your momentum.

So in completing the steps below dig deep and absorb yourself in what is fundamentally important to you and get prepared to take action.

If you want help to start building real momentum and unlock the key to creating full success in life, check out these neat ebooks that I highly recommend and guaranteed to transform your life. 

7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values By
Taking the following steps to find out your core value.

Step 1: Beginners Mind

Be calm and relaxed and empty your mind of any distractions. 

Take a deep breath and exhale and try to release your conscious mind of any thought. Let your subconscious mind take over and be still.  

The objective is to create a space for an entirely new perception. 

Step 2: Focus on your own conscious value list

Let your mind be free and don’t consciously focus on what your core values are. This is because your personal value becomes transparent when your conscious mind is sleeping. 

If however, you concentrate on creating a mental list of your core values your conscious begins to reason with it and work on finding an answer.

This is not what you want.

After you have composed yourself you can begin to make a list of values by:

Collating important experiences of life think of it as clouds lofting above your head and consider who those experiences made you feel.

Guided Meditation and core values
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Considering, like I did Think about what will make your life complete? 

If you would like to find powerful tools that will help you to use hypnosis and guided meditation downloads, giving you the ability to manifest anything that you can think of click this link. 

‘What’s the catch? All of these downloads make you happy, make your life simpler and more enjoyable… the underlying message in every download you will buy here… You are a Creator Spirit and you have the power and ability to create what you want… in every aspect of your life.’

This process involves creative expression, imagination, and a sense of adventure and intrigue. 

The more you push hard at moments that give you a heightened feeling of well-being and fulfillment the more successful this exercise will be. 

Step 3: Place your personal values into groups

After completing step 1 you should have 30 to 50 core values in your list. 

Now I need you to put them in different groups.

For example, learning, growth, development, would be in one category. 

Prepare your groups of values. 

Step 4: Give a title to each group

If example, you have a group of values that include, truth, honesty, transparency, directness,

then place them under the category integrity.

Step 5: Finding out What Your Core values are

Now, you need to dig deep and questions yourself.

What values do you hold that are important to you in life?

What values express your basic way of living?

Which values do you feel will boost your inner power and give you strength?

If you’re not able to see every area of your life increase in value and feel as if you’re doing the same thing every day without any feeling lost, stuck, afraid of failure click this link to find some positive tools that will help you set your life-changing goal in less than an hour

How Many-Core Values Should You Have? 

Choose between ten to fifteen of your most life-changing core values.

Then try to narrow them down to five to ten of your most life-fulfilling ones.

The aim is to arrive at core values that are most effective at releasing your inner strength.

Rank your personal values but placing them in order of importance. This is necessary because not all of your values are created equally. There are what I call super values that will influence your life more than others.

Revise your values, again and again, to ensure they are the most crucial for you.

Step 6: Enrich your personal values

Now, to remember your personal values, the best way to do this is to create a memorable phrase from them. 

So, for example, using the example from the vitality, health, and energy you can use the phrase ‘ Health: to live with full vitality and energy every day.

Step 7: Test each value

Revise your values every day and ask yourself some important questions;

How do you feel about them?

Are Your Values Consistent With The Spirit of Who You Are?

Your values should expose who you are and represent your individuality and life purpose.

Check if the ranking feels right to you.

Rank them from one to fifteen or one to ten depending on how many you choose. Ideally, you should have five super core values that highlight how you going to proceed with your life from hereon.

For a detailed understanding of how your values play out in your life examine them once every two weeks.

It’s important to analyze how your core values change your behaviour.

For example, do you use your core values to make a decision? 

To ensure you use your values to influence your life. As Oprah Winfrey states obey your calling and benefit from the important guidelines they provide. 

You should visualize your future as clearly as possible. Use your fundamental beliefs as a way of guiding your thoughts to align with what will make you most fulfilled.

Can imagine a new business or starting a family?

Now imagine how your core value score in your visualization.

Is it higher than the score now? 

Is it contrary to what you imagine? 

Using this process will help you make decisions that will affect your future. 

And help to create inner joy and meaning and meaning in your life. 

This exercise unpacks the process of self-discovery when you honour these fundamental guidelines that influence your life you become so much more purposeful. I have found that

Brian Tracy’s books and tools are a perfect way to reinforce your confidence and build success. If you would like to find out how they can inspire and transform your life feel free to click this link and began your epic journey to empowering your life. 

7 Hacks to discover your core values.
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“It is not a lack of ability or opportunity that holds you back; it is only a lack of confidence in yourself.”

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy personal core values

Your Tools for – 7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values

Believe it or not, you already have the gifts and strength within you to honour your calling and believe in your fundamental beliefs. The true benefit of discovering your core values is really only valuable if you use them for the good of others. Only then, can you create a meaningful vision? 

As ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart states- 

“There are some values that you should never compromise on to stay true to yourself; you should be brave to stand up for what you truly believe in even if you stand alone.”

Through the years I’ve learned that our ability to create our vision and purpose in life is only really possible if you discover what life is much larger than just you.

You evolve and develop from your experiences good and bad and the personal core values you enjoy are created from it.

Your fundamental beliefs are crucial to discovering a directional path that will he allow you to flourish and become more content.

This isn’t about following the world ideals, or, being influenced by societal programming, but being directed by your core values which influence how you live your life. The New International Version (NIV) Romans 12:2 states:

‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” 

Your mind is a beautiful thing, so use it to discover your core values. If you would like to discover more about finding your best self, click this link and start building the future that will make your heart sing. 

Summary – Discover Your Personal Core Values Hacks

This chart summarises the steps you should take to begin your journey of self-discovery.

7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values
Step 1: Beginners Mind Be calm and relaxed and empty your mind of any distractions. Take a deep breath and exhale and try to release your conscious mind of any thought. Let your subconscious mind take over and be still.  The objective is to create a space for an entirely new perception.
Step 2: Focus on your own conscious value list Let your mind be free and don’t consciously focus on what your core values are. This is because your personal value becomes transparent when your conscious mind is sleeping.
Think about what will make your life complete? 
Step 3: Place your personal values into groups After completing step 1 you should have 30 to 50 core values in your list.

Now I need you to put them in different groups. For example, learning, growth, development, would be in one category. 

Step 4: Give a title to each group If example, you have a group of values that include, truth, honesty, transparency, directness, then place them under the category integrity.
Step 5: Finding out What Your Core values are Now, you need to dig deep and questions yourself. What values express your basic way of living?
Choose ten to fifteen of your most life-changing core values.
Step 6: Enrich your personal values Now, to remember your personal values, the best way to do this is to create a memorable phrase from them.

So, for example, using the example from the vitality, health, and energy you can use the phrase ‘

Step 7: Test each value Revise your values every day and ask yourself some important questions. How do you feel about them?

Are they consistent with the spirit of how you feel? Do they speak about who you are?

Do they represent your individuality?

Now you know how to discover your core values, you know need to know how to align your actions with your values and this can be one of the most difficult things to do.