Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To Freedom | Full Guide

Best core values for personal freedom

Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To Freedom | Full Guide – I’ve always been fascinated by what real personal freedom looks like and more importantly how we can obtain it. I spent many hours investigating how our personal core values can help us tap into our fundamental beliefs and empower us to beat out our own path and this is what I discovered.

5 Best core values for personal freedom

Your personal freedom comes in many forms some include – emotional, financial, spiritual, political, or psychological. However, there are five fundamental core values that impact almost all freedoms and this article will share with you what they are.

Although you don’t get to choose your fundamental beliefs you can practice them so that they form a habit. In this article, you’ll discover how this can be done so you can set yourself free and be able to plan and carve out your own path.    

The Benefits of Personal Freedom 

The Oxford English Dictionary states that personal freedom is –
“the power or right to do or say what you want without anyone stopping you.“ 

The ultimate freedom, however, shouldn’t offend or harm others. Real freedom is a balance between doing and saying what you want and ensuring that others aren’t affected by your personal freedom.

Personal freedom should embrace the things that make you what to do a back-flip when you wake up in the morning and bring joy to the people around you. So your they become more significant when you can add value to the lives of others.

As a former immigration solicitor dealing with numerous breaches of human rights I’m only too aware of restrictions on freedoms on a global scale. If you look at countries like Sudan, Yemen, and Afghanistan their citizens suffer some of the most severe restrictions on their human rights and their personal freedoms are severely restricted.

Many of my clients fought for their personal freedoms and have had to flee persecution to save their lives.

“do good like giving back to your community”

So, before securing our personal freedom you would do well to appreciate that your life is not war-torn. Hopefully, you’re not fleeing from death or destruction and you’re starting from a good place one empowered by your unique positioning in the world. 

Your understanding of this will help you take note of the seemingly small things that don’t seem like much, but massively enrich your life. Like being able to go to your local church, mosque, or temple.

It might even be going to the gym anytime you like. These are personal freedoms that many around the world cannot enjoy. This appreciation will enable you to not only discover your true fulfillment but learn how to build on your freedoms even more.

“self-discovery comes in many
forms good and bad”

Amazing, therefore, the personal freedoms you already enjoy allow you to discover just how lucky you are.

In fact, research shows that if you use your personal freedoms to do good like giving back to your community it can make you feel fulfilled and more at peace.

As the message of Marcus Aurelius said –

“Peace comes from within. Do not
seek it without.”

The Cambridge English Dictionary states that self-knowledge is “understanding yourself and your abilities.”  

If you’re looking for invaluable ways to gain personal freedom I come out with some really great tools that could help supercharge your journey and put you in the driving seat then click to find some great tools that I would recommend to supercharge your personal freedom.  

This concise little ebook “How To Transform Your Life and Claim Your Personal Space.”

will also empower you to list the things you need to do to beat down the walls of confinement and emancipate yourself. If this appeals to you,  then like most things in life, you want a foolproof way to ensure it becomes a reality. Click the link to discover more…..

Click the link to discover more….

Building Your Personal Freedom Through Self-knowledge

Self-knowledge involves becoming aware of the limiting beliefs that stop you from reaching your potential.

I know from my own experience in deciding to become a lawyer at the tender age of 14, I  had some understanding of what I was able to achieve. Fortunately, therefore, I didn’t let society dedicate what I could achieve.

Although some of the teachers at my school didn’t believe in my capabilities my own sense of independence and self-knowledge meant I took no notice of their negative feedback.

I’ve learned therefore that self-discovery comes in many forms good and bad. The motivational speaker and entrepreneur Jim Rohn said that we should –

                     “welcome every human experience.”


Because you never know which experience can bring you closer to personal freedom.

Rohn states sometimes grave situations open your mind to exciting opportunities that supercharge your self-discovery. And it is often said that out of every experience good or bad, you can learn about yourself.

“it’s my mountain and I’m going to climb it anyway.”

To Rohn, to create personal freedom you need to break down the walls that confine you and “let life touch you.”

Get to know yourself better through the hard times and the good times and liberate your mind. This is what personal freedom is all about.

Practice self-knowledge through self-reflection. Meditation is a brilliant way to achieve this. The book “Meditation for Everyday” is a very powerful way of gaining self-knowledge and building personal freedom.

I have found some really neat courses that can help you discover the true you and will surprise you with what you can learn about yourself. Click this link to find out more….. 

Self-belief – Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To  Freedom | Full Guide

The McMillan dictionary sums this up very neatly and state self-belief is “the belief that you can do things well”

The successful American actor and singer Will Smith said that he had total self-belief in himself. If he was in a competition on a treadmill he would win or die trying. 

The universe has a funny habit of celebrating those who embrace their true values.

Self-belief builds powers your personal freedom because instead of relying on what others say you can or cannot do, you’ll go ahead and do it anyway.

With this, you will climb that mountain, even though others say, “it’s too high, it’s too rocky it’s too difficult.”

On the contrary, you’ll say it’s my mountain and I’m going to climb it anyway.

Now that’s freedom.

Self-belief is also a way of promising yourself that you will never give up and your personal freedom is worth fighting for.

Just imagine if you had the self-belief that you could achieve anything you wanted?

What would your world look like?

Believing that you can achieve personal freedom means you’ve already won half the battle.

That’s why tools such as visualization, meditation, mindfulness, and self-affirmation are so powerful.

Their tools can trick your mind into believing events have already happened. So if you use visualization, you can convince yourself that you are empowered and that you’re in control of your own destiny. I use to feel that I couldn’t control my own destiny until I discover it is absolutely possible.

If you would like to discover how to do use these free tools to supercharge your personal freedom click this link. 

Personal Core Values and hacks
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Your self-belief should encourage you to take action to make your personal freedom become a reality. Personal core values which fuel your ability to act include: 



Being progressive,


Being resolute

Being driven


Once you desire personal freedom enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

If you’re tired of being told what to do and want to be your own boss, then having self-belief allows you to take active steps to see it through and make your success more inevitable.

However, a problem arises when you become over cautious about what your capable of achieving. Of course, it’s important to be realistic, but worrying about failing before you’ve even started will stunt your personal freedom. 

In fact, that is some degree of risk in almost every part of life.

As Rohn states the moment you are born it’s risky.

Getting married is risky, having children is risky, and going into business is risky. Where there is no risk there is no life.

The downside of not taking risks is giving up on the important fundamental values that tell you to go for what you want. The result is you live a boring uneventful life. Having personal freedom is exciting especially when you get to help the people you care about. 

Self Determination Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To Freedom | Full Guide

Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To Freedom

Self-determination is a personal core value that allows you to choose how you manage your life and make decisions in your interest. Research reveals that it plays an important part in your emotional well-being providing you with freedom from restraint and independence.

Self-determination doesn’t mean you live in isolation because

No man is an island‘- John Donne

We do much better when we’re a part of a community and the wonderful thing about self-determination is the ability it gives you to view life in an optimistic and positive way and on your terms no one else’s. 

Maya Angelou said

“You May Not Control All The Events That Happen To YouBut You Can Decide Not To Be Reduced By Them .“

The power of self-determination is the inbuilt mechanism to beat out your own path, so you get to do the things that really matter.

Self-determination helps cultivates personal freedom based on a desire to do more and be more.

As Rohn states – “our lives are most affected by the way we think things are, not the way they actually are.”

However, to Rohn the way we think things affect us most.

So, for example, if you feel that you’ll never be able to become self-determined the likelihood of it happening is almost reduced to nil. 

In his book “I Can Make You Rich” Paul Mckenna states how people who won vast sums on money in the lottery, soon lost it all within a very short period of time.

The reason for this he said, was because people don’t think they desired the money. So, there offload as soon as they can.

To Rohn, most people work hard but not many of us think hard.

Self-determination, therefore, allows us to have better-thinking habits. Self-determination helps us to view our minds as a mental factory and whatever you think about all day puts ingredients into your mental factory.

Research reveals that whatever we pour into our minds affects how our lives play out.

The power of your mind means you can become what you think. So your desire is to become a better father, a better mother, a better friend you can help you pour ingredients in your mind to take steps to actually make it happen.  

As Henry Ford said –

‘Whether you think you can, or you think
you can’t–you’re right.’

Believe in Yourself and core values
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The same is true of the personal core value. Just like your personal freedom, it comes from you. You can’t learn it or send it off for it, but you can discover it.

You’ll find it when you decide you no longer want to suffer the dedicates of others and want to beat up your own path. But if you’re struggling in your journey or don’t quite yet believe you can achieve real personal freedom then click this link. You’ll discover some really cool tools that will boost your self-confidence and guide you on your journey to believe in yourself. 

Your desire to fight to be able to choose how to manage your life opens you up to exploring new possibilities to find your own personal freedom whatever that looks like.  

Mastery ­– Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To Freedom | Full Guide

Wellbeing and core values

Whatever you read and the experiences you have impacted your mental factory (your brain).

Take a look at your bookshelf.

What books do you have?

Are they books that edify you and help to optimize your life or are they throw away books that add nothing to your life or life experience?

If you want to build personal freedom in your life, self-edification and getting around people that light your fire and not pour water on it are important.

Rohn, emphasizes that there is a book for whatever, you want to achieve in life. The same is true for personal freedom. If you would like to know what click this link.

Mastery is what I call a super your fundamental belief because its objective is to build both wisdom and knowledge. Your personal freedom means filling your mind with ingredients that allow you to become empowered.  

To highlight this point, Rohn said –

“Every day stand guard at the door
of your mind.”

So, to Rohn, you shouldn’t just allow anyone to dump anything into your mental factory, because you’ve got to live with the results.  

He used an analysis of someone taking trash and dumping it into your brain and then expecting to become an empowered positive person.

Rohn states this can’t be done it’s like trying to make a cake out of cement.

The benefits of optimizing your mental factory are learning how you can emancipate your life.

This research shows that if you’re smart, you’re more likely to live longer.

This isn’t simply because they eat healthier food or their financially better off rather it’s their genetic makeup that allows them to enjoy a longer life.

The same is true for people who are conscientious, they likely to make better life choices, take responsibility for their lives, have better jobs, and enjoy altogether better life choices.

According to Calvin C. Newport an associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University, being prepared to put in the work to master a skill can open doors you perhaps never knew existed.

The psychological act of opening a door can boost your feeling of personal freedom, allowing you more options by which to live your life. 

If you would like to discover more about how you can supercharge your life and maximize your fulfillment of life by mastering a skill click this link.

Community – Personal Core Values: 

core values and positive attitude
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To build the personal freedom you desire involves understanding how you can support your community.

Just like companies build products for the people they serve your desire for personal freedom should be founded on what value you can bring to your community.

If you look at the core values of Amazon, you’ll see how they emphasize serving their community. This is borne out in their article Core Values which you can access here.  

Their core values are:

  • Customer Obsession
  • Ownership
  • Invent and Simplify
  • Are Right, A Lot
  • Hire and Develop the Best
  • Insist on the Highest Standards
  • Think Big
  • Bias for Action
  • Frugality
  • Vocally Self Critical
  • Earn Trust of Others
  • Dive Deep
  • Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
  • Deliver Results 

Their mission statement which denotes their vision is to “be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

Just like Amazon to gain personal freedom you should create a personal mission statement that takes account of the needs of your community. 

Following on from this, working out how you can best serve them because serving others enhances your physical and mental well-being and, with it your peace of mind.

Peace of mind is a large part of your personal freedom.

Peace is another personal core value that is worth its weight in gold.

The Bible states –

“Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”

Personal core values and richest people
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Psalms 34:14

Peace involves the ability to be free from stress and anxiety and being able to find inner strength despite discord.

You can have freedom without peace, but you can’t have peace without freedom. This is because without the ability to be free you become restless and resentful.

5 Steps To Freedom | Summarised

Your personal core values say a lot about who you are and ultimately play a significant role in how your life plays out. This summary below details how your personal freedom can break down the walls that confine you and “let life touch you” (Jim Rohn). 

Continue reading to discover how you can use them in your everyday life.

Personal Core Values: 5 Steps To Freedom | Full Guide
Personal Freedom Defined The Oxford English Dictionary states that personal freedom is –
“the power or right to do or say what you want without anyone stopping you.“
Self-knowledge Self-knowledge involves becoming aware of the limiting beliefs that stop you from reaching your potential.

Get to know yourself better through the hard times and the good times and liberate your mind. Discover how to practice self-knowledge through self-reflection.

Self-belief The McMillan dictionary sums this up very neatly and state self-belief is “the belief that you can do things well”

Self-belief is also a way of promising yourself that you will never give up and your personal freedom is worth fighting for.

Self-determination Self-determination is a personal core value that allows you to choose how you manage your life and make decisions in your interest. Research reveals that it plays an important part in your emotional well-being providing you with freedom from restraint and independence.
Mastery If you want to build personal freedom in your life, self-edification and getting around people that light your fire and not pour water on it are important.

The motivational speaker Jim Rohn states that there is a book for whatever, you want to achieve in life. Your personal freedom means filling your mind with ingredients that allow you to become empowered.  

Community To build the personal freedom you desire involves understanding how you can support your community.

Just like companies build products for the people they serve your desire for personal freedom should be founded on what value you can bring to your community.


This article illustrates that real personal freedom isn’t easy, but the rewards are worth it.

As Theodore Roosevelt said –

“Nothing worth it comes easy”

If it was, everyone would be doing it and exclusivity comes with a price.

Your Guide to the core value personal is–

Self-knowledge – “understanding yourself and your abilities.”  

Self-belief –“the belief that you can do things well”

Self-determination –“being able to choose how you manage your life and make decisions in your interest.”

Mastery – “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity.”

Community ­ – “the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.”

The incredible thing about personal freedom is what you get to do with it once you have it.

You make sense of the world better when you exercise your personal freedom. You not only get to enjoy peace, but you can share your peace by helping and supporting others.

Personal freedom means doors that would otherwise remain close will open and your life will become far more enriched.

If you would like to discover how to gain personal freedom to empower yourself and the lives of the community click this link.