Why Core Values Build Empowerment?

Your Empowerment

Why Core Values Build Empowerment? I use to think that to be empowered you need to have a lot of money and influence to go with it. However, the older I become the more I realize that empowerment is a state of mind that influences our behaviour. What most people don’t realize, however, is that almost anyone can achieve true empowerment by tapping into their core values that make their hearts sing.

Empowerment and core values

Empowerment gives you the freedom to dedicate your own path.

  • Core values that help build empowerment include  – Insight. Focus. Innovation. Openness. Tolerance. Authenticity. Knowledge. 
  • Defining your fundamental beliefs builds empowerment by making you true to yourself.
  • Knowledge is power, They also help you unpack the steps, planning, and motivation behind how you become empowered.

In this article, you’ll discover powerful steps you can take to become empowered. This will help you feel confident, independent, owning your rights, and being responsible for your own actions.

My view on empowerment can be summed up thus:

“a Life of empowerment is one with the passion to take control, overcome setbacks, and  embrace a beautiful new beginning.”

The Relationship Between Empowerment
& Core Values 

Passion a core value to empowerment

All my life I have strived to become empowered. My desire to achieve empowerment acted as a compass telling me what decisions I should take to make my personal autonomy and independence come alive. It was only later that I realized that empowerment was one of my core values.

Put another way they are intrinsic beliefs and judgments based on our own goals ideals and principles.

“Defining your core values help you to develop a firmer understanding of
what you want”

These intrinsic beliefs, direct how you think and behave, the friends you choose and the opportunities you pursue. They may change as you navigate through life and face challenges and different experiences.

I don’t think I could stress enough how important defining your core values are.  Because of a failure to do this, you could look back five or ten years down the line wondering why on earth you made the decisions you did. 

For me, defining my fundamental beliefs and creating a mission statement gave me an opportunity to develop a firmer understanding of what I needed to do to live an authentic life. A life where I am in control and I didn’t give your power to anyone else.

Of course not but at least I did what I believed was right and was true to myself. 

However, there are some very crucial steps you need to take to achieve true empowerment which unless followed could dramatically affect your ability to achieve your goals.

I have mapped out the important steps you should take to become truly empowered.   

How Can You Build Empowered Using
Core Values?

Having researched some of the world’s most successful and empowered people such as Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson, I wholeheartedly agreed with what Steve Jobs said they’re no smarter than you are.

The only difference between them and you are their ability to switch to an exponential mindset and focus on their fundamental values that propel their long-term goals.

Their values represent what they stand for and form the foundation of their empowerment. In fact, their values are so important to them they prioritize them and live their lives by them.

“They make empowerment one of their core values by creating ‘empowering habits’.”

If you take a look at the core values of Jeff Bezos the founder, CEO, of the multi-billion dollar company Amazon, you can see how he gain his empowerment.

Bezos continually emphasized these “Six Core Values:

  1. Customer obsession
  2. Ownership,
  3. A bias for action
  4. Frugality,
  5. High hiring bar
  6. Innovation.”

“Our vision,” he said, “is the world’s most customer-centric company.”

Although these values relate to Amazon and not Bezos himself, they give a real insight into what it takes to become truly empowered.

If like Bezos, you obsessed with something it gives you a real incentive to make it happen. Not only that to be the best at what you do.

That might mean taking a course on whatever it is that will lead to your empowerment, enlisting professional help, or just getting into the right mindset.

Your empowerment is likely to require hard work and commitment, however, if it strikes at the heart of what makes your heart sing and brings true meaning to your life it is well worth the work.

If you would like to discover how to create a mission statement around your empowerment read my article entitled How To Build Your Mission Statement Around Your Core Values?

Building Empowerment Through Learning

A FastTrack way to empowerment is focussing on learning every day. Some of the most successfully empowered people in the world use learning as an ‘empowering habit’.

Brian Tracy, a Canadian-American motivational public speaker and self-development author state that the ‘empowering habits’ of reading for one hour per day will result in reading one book per week.

This translates to about 50 books per year, which amounts to about 500 books over the next 10 years. According to Brian Tracy, this will put you at the top of your field.

The Entrepreneur and Motivational speaker Jim Rohn added to this by saying you should take a look at the home library because it says a lot about who you are.

So take a minute to check out what books you have acquired over the years and more importantly, what books you have read.

What do they say about you? 

Do they empower you?

Or deflate you?

What you read and digest affects how you think and to Rohn, the brain is a mental factory. and we need to be careful what we put into our mental factory – because, he said, you don’t want just anyone dumping anything into it. 

The message here is to start reading books that will empower you and show you how you can live a more enriched and accomplished life. Hit this link if you would like to discover books that will help you achieve this. 

Steps To Building Empowerment Around Your
Core Values?

Steps to Empowerment core values

There are another seven steps to your empowerment which I have written an ebook entitled “Project You – How To Get What You Want Fast”. I wrote the book after an extensive examination of some of the world’s most self-

7 core values of the most phenomenally people
Click this link to discover more….

driven, visionary, and purposeful people which opened my mind to what it takes to become truly empowered.

These people, despite all the odds, beat out their own unique and hugely successful path, to achieve their life’s vision and ultimate empowerment.

“They make empowerment one of their core values by creating ‘empowering habits’.”

The book seeks to rewire your thought process, so you become finely tuned to whatever it takes to bring about your vision of empowerment.

It will also help you overcome obstacles preventing you from directing your own path, also known as limiting beliefs.

My research revealed that the most empowered people find ONE thing that’s most important to them based and live and breath it every day. They practice it as a ritual so it becomes part of their DNA.

Goal focussed

Personal core values books
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In the book Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill extolled the principle benefits of dedicating oneself to ONE primary definitive goal so that you can commit 100% to achieve it.

To be goal focussed means building greater momentum by limiting your objective to the ONE most important thing you’re most committed to achieving. So, like Bezos you become immersed in one goal, building Amazon as one of the most successful companies in the world, and delivering your offering to the best of your ability.

Action driven

Becoming empowered means you should differentiate between the actions you can control and those which you have no influence or control.

To Bezos, this is “a bias for action.” This means not being afraid to make decisions and take action, even when (especially when) you face uncertainty. To Amazon, therefore, “analysis paralysis” isn’t tolerated. They want leaders who are willing to put themselves out there and take a risk.

This means making crucial decisions by accumulating information quickly and acting on it after valued consideration. You make the big decisions that count and the smaller decisions are either delegated or dealt with later down the line. 

It’s the ability to think on your feet, take decisive action when others are still thinking about what to do. 

Core Values That Build Empowerment Are Measurement Specific

For true empowerment, your goal must be measurable, so you can track your progress. This allows you to focus your energy on what brings results.

So, if your goal is to start a successful business, or to find the right career you must be clear on the level of income you intend to generate in every given year, given month, or perhaps any given week. Find a successful career one which you can thrive and grow is another powerful way of building empowerment.

Core Values That Build Empowerment Are Deadline Oriented

Deadline Core Values

Every step towards executing your personal mission should have a deadline, so you can identify the timely execution of every stage of your goal towards your empowerment.

Each deadline should bring you closer to your fundamental values. If you look at Bezos, 6 core values I am sure that each one has a deadline but which they should be met.

Take, for example, the deadline for innovation might be when to bring in drones to make amazon deliveries.

More specifically, when will the technology be available?

  1. Customer obsession
  2. Ownership,
  3. A bias for action
  4. Frugality,
  5. High hiring bar
  6. Innovation.”

By giving yourself a deadline you’ll not only ensure you remain motivated but also become focused on what you hope to achieve.

If you are looking to start a successful business as a way of emancipating yourself for the riggers of a 9-5 existence this powerful ebook called “Your Successful Business” is a great place to start. The results from readers are clear:

“Are you working your business to its full potential? Through one easily learned method, I’ve turned my business around from one site in a year and a half, to sixteen separate products in the last six months. A 2100% increase in efficiency (and profit might I add). I’ll show you exactly how it’s done, and how you can do this without the need for expensive time consuming special skills. We all have the power to do this, just most of us don’t know how yet. If you do know-how, you’ll know the feeling already.”

Click this link to discover more….

Personal Achievement and core values
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Core Values Build Empowerment Are Time Conscious

True empowerment means valuing your time and using it wisely.

Some of the most purposeful and self-driven people are fully aware of the value of their time and often measure their performance by it.

So ask yourself what you plan to achieve on any given day and will it bring you closer to empowerment.

Defining your fundamental values will bring you renewed momentum and tracking your results through time.

Core Values Build Empowerment Are Specific Targeted

Your pursuit of empowerment must be specific enough, so you have sufficient information to allow you to make achieve it. Your core values will enable you to make decisions based on the impact it will have on your life.

I remember when I was just 14 I decided to become a lawyer in order to fight injustices. My goal was to empower myself and others which I achieved by working as an immigration solicitor.  I was able to help my clients escape persecution and torture in their country of origin. 

I had a specific goal in mind, a specific target, and achieve a specific result, that result was helping my clients obtain refugee status.

The more specific you are about your route to empowerment the more likely it is to happen. 

Core Values That Build Empowerment Are Stimulation Generated

If your conscious of your core values, it usually means you know the things that most excites and fuels you to find your best self. You’ll become energy-driven that will create ignite a spark that will kick start your goals and aspirations.

Gaining motivation has a large part to play here, and if you want to find out how to master your ability to become motivated click the link to his article Personal Core Values: For Super Personal Growth | With Exercises

Take action and make real empowerment happen by being stimulated generated. 


The Fastrack to your journey to your empowerment is:

  1. To write down on paper, electrically or digitally, or whatever means open to you, your personal mission that will lead to your empowerment
  2. Secondly, carefully record the steps you need to take to achieve it.

You should properly record your mission because, without it, it’s just words, images and sounds in your head. However, putting them down on paper will make achieving them gain clarity.

“Re-commit to taking action
every daY.”

Become an effective thinker by making decisions in the morning. Our best decision is made early in the day when our minds are geared to more effective thinking. Mornings also tend to be quieter and so allow us to become more focussed and less distracted. So, try to tackle difficult tasks in the morning and leave less taxing matters until later on in the day.

What Are Empowerment Habits?

Positive attitude and core values
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There are a plethora of ‘empowerment habits’ some of which have been listed below. If you practice them, they will help fuel your productivity. It will also help create more clarity and direction in your life.

  1. As already mentioned, strive for clarity by waking up early and getting your most demanding tasks done when you’re fresh and motivated.
  2. Stay organized in your personal and professional life.
  3. Trim down your goals and focus on the ones that are closer to your life vision.
  4. Stay focused on the task ahead by deciding the night before on your agenda for the next day.
  5. Expand your circle of friends with people who have the same interests, values and positive mindset as you.
  6. Continue learning, developing, and growing so you can master your skill.
  7. Limit your distractions such as social media so you can focus on your purpose.
  8. Adhere to the 80/20 rule, which means that 20% of your effort will produce 80% of your results.
  9. Be results-driven
  10. Embrace details, so what you do is accurate and on point.
  11. Create positive habits for the morning and evening so you can thrive by focusing on your goals.
  12. Take action every day by re-committing your values. You’ll be inspired once you start seeing the result and take even more action.

“People who are self-actualised exercise self-discipline and resilience on a daily basis”

How Does Being Empowered Open Up Opportunities?

You can embrace the freedom to dedicate your own schedule by becoming empowered. When you’re empowered to can help the people you really care about.

‎Abraham Maslow’s theory put forward the theory of becoming self-actualized by taking action dedicated to creating your vision. This is quintessentially what being empowered is all about. If you want to find out more about Maslow’s theory read my article entitled Is Personal Commitment a Core Value?

Self-actualized people exercise self-discipline and resilience on a daily basis. Committed to learning and embrace the 20/80 rule from the time they wake up they get results. They focus on the things that make them and their family happy and content and empowered.

So, the question is what does empowerment mean to you?

And do you have the drive and commitment to make it happen?

I hope after reading this article it’s a resounding yes………

Click here if you would like to find out more about being empowered.