5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life

5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life

5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life – If you’re tired of doing the same thing day after day and feel as though you’re living a life with little or no meaning then the likelihood is you not living your core values. Find out how to live a holistic and empowered life by tapping into 5 personal core values. 

The five personal core values that will change your life and will start your exciting journey to personal change are:-

  • Intention
  • Answerability
  • Community
  • Self-knowledge
  • Endurance
  • Self-disciple

Definition of Personal Core Values

5 life changes core values

Let’s first set out what core values are. Personal core values are the things that make you unique because they influence how you live your life.

For example, being hardworking, responsible, and progressive or being family orientated, caring, and open-minded.

They also embrace the little things in life that you might take for granted like caring for others, having fun, and having a good sense of humour.

They are what makes you special and give your life direction. Perhaps you are not aware of what your core values are, however, if you think about the things you wouldn’t do for money it provides more clarity.

Self-discipline – the ability to sow seeds that you can reap tomorrow.”


For example, if someone told you, you could easily make £3,000 in a week selling face cream that claimed to combat aging. When in reality it made no impact on aging at all your core values will prevent you from crossing the line.

Values such as honesty, and integrity act as an inner moral compass preventing us from acting out of character.

This is why it’s important to be aware of what’s truly important to you. Is it making money or acting with integrity? It also makes us understand what we should be doing with our lives.

However, these compelling five personal core values if practiced sincerely will super-boost your life and build contentment and joy.

Through the years, I have discovered some pretty powerful tools that will massively change your life and ensure you experience complete faith in yourself, yes believe it or not it is possible to harness self-belief so you become unstoppable if you would like to discover more, hit this link.

Intention one of the – 5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life

Most people plan their holidays but how many of us plan our lives? Without having a firm intention to achieve something with your life it makes real positive change based on luck?

The fundamental value of setting goals and planning your future is a quintessential component of cultivating a life of purpose and meaning.

There’s no better way to harness greater meaning and direction in your life than by aligning your goals with your fundamental belief.

Because these values embrace the spirit of who you are.

“and with it the ability to empower yourself putting you in the driving seat for your future” 

Your core values come from your lived experiences and the people you interact with that positively influence your life.

However, you can do things that reveal new incredible life-changing core values. One way to do this includes being around people who inspire you. Your inspiration can fuel your desire to carve out a blueprint for your life.

By setting powerful life goals you not only create excitement and passion and with it the ability to empower yourself putting you in the driving seat for your future success. The necessity of planning your life is explained in the following quotes

“If you don’t have a plan, you become part of somebody else’s plan.”

5 core values for life

Terence McKenna —

“When you do the things in the present that you can see, you are shaping the future that you are yet to see.”

Idowu Koyenikan–

 “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.”

Parker J. Palmer —

“you’re responsible for your own happiness”

These quotes sum up the reasons you should create life goals because they help you establish the essence of who you are.

They also highlight issues that can arise if you don’t set goals. In essence, a life without a plan is one that someone else will easily design for you. And that design may not be one you happy with.

By setting powerful life goals you not only create excitement and enthusiasm for the future but with it the ability to empower yourself putting you in the driving seat for your pending success.

So how do you use your personal core values to plan your life goals and change to empower your life? 

Defining Your Core Values

A brilliant way of doing this is to define your core values. After doing this you can create a personal mission statement highlighting your goals. These goals can create a magical change in your life.

With this, comes a feeling of purpose and clarity.  

The powerful sentiment behind creating life-changing goals is summed up very neatly by – Stephen Kellogg

“It’s better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of the one you don’t.” –

“on any given day you can massively change the direction of your life”

The formula for changing your life is –

Change = Personal Core Value + Goals + Accountability + Self-discovery + Endurance + Self-discipline

Goal planning is a large part of what will put you in control. This short video course “How To Excel At All Your Goals” is a powerful way to turbocharge excelling at my goals and helped me to take ownership of my life.

I found out the hard way that we owe it to ourselves to excel at our goals.

This is because if we don’t someone will employ us to excel at theirs. And after all, you are responsible for your own happiness. To find out how you can be the CEO of your own life hit this link. 

If someone was to tell you to work 7 hours a day for ten years and you can make as much money as you would in your dream job but you would feel –

  • Devalued
  • Demotivated 
  • And painfully bored

Values that centre around being self-motivated, self-worth, enthusiasm and passion will prevent you from taking the job.

“Empower yourself putting you in the driving seat for your future”

When you take the time to reflect, you’ll appreciate that the things that make your heart sing and help create inner peace are what is truly important.

So doing a dead-end job that’s going to consume your time and ten years of your life would be a no-no.

When you tap into goals that are influenced by your ability to become true to yourself, your life becomes so much more fulfilled.

 Your goals should bring clarity and you can easily achieve this by building a personal mission statement. 

“the world’s most self-driven and purposeful people they define their core values

If you would like to discover how to build a personal mission statement, to build the clarity that will add purpose and take your life to the optimum level, click this link.

Answerability – One of the 5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life

Being accountable is appreciating that you’re responsible for your own happiness. When you’re accountable for your own sense of peace and joy, you’ll begin to take steps to make real change happen.

“Failing fast allows for concentration on things that give your life real purpose.”

If you look at some of the world’s most self-driven and purposeful people they define their fundamental values and take accountability for syncing these values with their actions.

Take, for example, Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook. One of his core values was to build a global community which was one of the driving forces behind Facebook. In this article entitled Building Global Community Zuckerberg states –

“On our journey to connect the world, we often discuss products we’re building and updates on our business. Today I want to focus on the most important question of all: are we building the world we all want?”

How To Help Build Your Community
Though Change?

To build the world that you want to live in, like Zuckerberg you first need to become accountable for your actions. Being accountable allows you to understand where you fit in your own community and how you can bring value to it by enforcing your own change.

In fact, Zuckerberg’s core values behind Facebook neatly sums up what being accountable in your own life should look like.-

“connecting friends and families. With that foundation, our next focus will be developing the social infrastructure for the community — for supporting us, for keeping us safe, for informing us, for civic engagement, and for the inclusion of all.”

“change – stop to recognise your intrinsic self-worth”

The fact is, when you’re accountable for yourself, it enables you to focus on helping other people. When you’re prepared to give your time and attention to others it becomes a game-changer because it creates a positive ripple effect in your immediate community that generates positive energy.

Taking full accountability for your own happiness can be scary because it means accepting failure. However, the American actor and musician Will Smith stated that we should “Fail early, fail often, fail forward.”

Real change involves an acceptance that some level of failure is inevitable. It also includes the ability to fail fast.

“start reading and studying and then applying what you’ve learnt”

Failing fast means you don’t waste time doing things that don’t result in meaningful change and allows for concentration on things that give your life real purpose. Accountability helps you to make sense of the fact that as Jim Rohn states –

“on any given day you can massively change the direction of your life”

He said this could be done “any day you pick.”

To illustrate this point in this video Jim Rohn told the story of a man who takes a gun to his car. He blows out every window and destroys the bodywork beyond repair.

After his act, he stands back and says “I’ve driven this embarrassing thing for the very last time.”

Sure, this is an extreme example of how you can seek to elevate and change your life aesthetically. However, it serves to illustrate how you can definitely change your life by taking action.

So no matter how resistant you are to change, the truth is the ability to change forms part of your everyday life.

I have found Jim Rohn’s work to be of incredible benefit and it has transformed how I navigate the world in such an impactful way. More importantly, it has allowed me to win and become unstoppable every time. To find out more about his work  and to access other books I would recommend, click this link

“The advent of YouTube is also a fantastic way of building knowledge”

From attending kindergarten to primary and secondary school to attending college or university all require major change.

Your ability to transition from different stages of your life is possibly something you haven’t thought about. However, it demonstrates how flexible you are to change especially when it’s inevitable.

So, if the change is inevitable, why not become accountable for orchestrating your own change to bring joy and clarity?

People who make things happen embrace change and make themselves accountable for what happens in their life. They celebrate the opportunity to take control of their own destiny and elevate their lives by working at what they want to make happen.

Someone said if all the money in the world was equally divided among everyone in the world, within a short time, the majority of the money would be in the hands of the richest 10%.

“No one else can sustainably motivate you apart from yourself”

Although change is not necessarily about accumulating wealth, it serves to show how being accountable for your own success whether it’s in relationships, money, business is really down to the individual.

Change = Personal Core Value – Goals – Accountability – Self-discovery – Endurance – Self-discipline

I have discovered some neat tools that will help you promote personal change and build incredible focus and ensure you become fearless check out this link. 

Self-knowledge one of the – 5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life

5 persona Core values 7

The personal core value of self-knowledge forms a massive part of your ability to change. When you know what’s real you are self-reflective and see things for what they are.

Getting the right balance between being overly pessimistic and overly optimistic is an important part of the change.

” Drawing on your inner strength and building momentum.”

Consider this scenario – 

Two men of the same age and skill sets get knocked over in a road traffic accident and both lose two legs.

  1. One man says – what will become of me. I have no legs, I will have to look to the government to support me.
  2. The other man says – yes I have no legs, but I still have my skills and can get a job to provide for myself and my family.

Practicing self-knowledge, helps you stop, think and recognize your intrinsic self-worth and your unique ability to change by tapping into your inner strength. You have the tools within you to make the things you want to happen in your life actually happen.

“self-discipline your life takes a different path”

However, change based on self-knowledge requires practical steps starting with small changes first. Once you see the positive results of change for the little things you can then work up to bigger ones.

So take a quiet moment to make a list of what you want to happen in your life.

What changes do you expect to see?

If you want a better-paying job to provide for yourself and your family, list what you need to do to make it happen.

Consider how networking or asking friends or registering for jobs online can help you find another job.

Focusing on the personal core values of self-knowledge entails drawing on your inner strength and resources to build momentum.

Perhaps by boosting your confidence, you can start believing you have it in you to get a higher-paid job.


“if opportunity doesn’t knock build a build a door.”

Do you need to learn more skills?

Focusing on the personal core values of self-knowledge entails drawing on your inner strength and building momentum. So for example, saying positive mantras that encourage you to believe you can get that well-paying job and build amazing change.

Click this link if you would like to discover how to achieve this.   

Your self-knowledge will also make you appreciate what you need to genuinely build change.

Your self-knowledge should build on another personal core value which is self-motivation. No one else can sustainably motivate you apart from yourself.

“There’s nothing like having a childlike curiosity to make real change happen.”

So core values that inspire you to believe that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to enthuse change. What positive ideas will make a difference in your life.

Rohn says if you want to excel and change through self-knowledge start reading and studying and then applying what you’ve learned. So if you want to change your life by starting a bakery. Research how to bake. Visit barkery and discover the process used to run a successful bakery.

He continues by saying that change introduces another personal core value of curiosity. Not only that you should enjoy childlike curiosity. There’s nothing like having a childlike curiosity to make real change happen.

“There’s nothing worse than feeling pain because you neglected to learn”

Because being curious is a virtue it will drive you to positively change your life. 

For almost everything you want to achieve in life, there’s a good book that will tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve it.

For example, here are some self-help books which are a driver for change that are inexpensive and I would recommend.  Click on the link to learn more 

Jim Rohn highlights the benefits of reading in his video below.

Reading creates heightened self-discovery in ways you hadn’t thought possible and can propel self-transformation. Self-discovery like self-knowledge is crucial to avoid getting hurt. Life has a habit of hitting us when we’re already down. That’s why reading and discovering helps you avoid pain.

So for example, you finally decide to set up your bakery. The knowledge you acquire through reading first-class books on how to establish a successful bakery will help you avoid failure.

“enthuse your talent and beat out your transformational path”

There’s nothing worse than feeling pain because you neglected to learn through reading books that can help you navigate whatever you want to achieve.

The advent of YouTube is also a fantastic way of building knowledge by following Youtubers who have already been there and done it.

Now there’s no excuse for not continually learning and understanding the core values that help you evolve.

Endurance one of the – 5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life


The personal core value of endurance is designed to keep your power through your journey to change.

No matter how smart you are, you can’t avoid getting hurt at some point in your life. If you crack when the going gets tough you’re going to find every excuse in the book to keep doing what you’ve always done and lived a boring uneventful life.

Your bakery may go through tough times, and your relationships could hit the rocks but the core values of endurance will ensure you weather through the storm.

“change your life includes the art of self-discipline.”

In your bakery, you keep practicing how to bake to perfection. The core value of curiosity keeps you eager to learn. You continue to uncover more about yourself through being accountable.

Your self-knowledge will manifest through the fundamental values that you genuinely believe in.

The actor explained how he had almost run out of money to feed his family but continued to write the Rocky movies and enjoyed incredible success. He had Unshakable Motivation which you too can achieve by being true to yourself.

The world-famous writer of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowlings revealed how she suffered from clinical depression.

She had attempted suicide and suffered poverty along with an overwhelming fear of failure. Despite this, like Sylvester Stallone, she pushed through the pain to enjoy incredible success.

“cultivating your own sense of endurance”


Their endurance allowed them to enjoy amazing personal change not only for themselves but for the people they care about.

The objective is to allow your personal core values to enthuse your talent and beat out your transformational path.

Your beliefs also allow you to sow what you reap and endurance is the key to continue reaping and building change. Rohn said, “if you don’t sew, you don’t reap.” 

You don’t reap anything if you don’t have life goals. Not reaping anything means a failure to be accountable for your own happiness.

“self-discipline is the seed that creates your future.”

If you don’t reap anything, then look in the mirror as you will only have yourself to blame.

However, cultivating your own sense of endurance gives you the stammer to decipher what you need to build momentum.

This momentum coupled with your personal life mission will supercharge your ability to change and promotes incredible change. To build personal transformation by enhancing your ability to be organized and structure your day to enhance your productivity click this link

Self-discipline one of the – 5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life

Your 5 personal core values to change your life includes the art of self-discipline. This is yet another key to unlocking the change you desire.

Gary Ryan Blair said —

“Self-discipline is an act of cultivation. It requires you to connect today’s actions to tomorrow’s results. There’s a season for sowing a season for reaping. Self-discipline helps you know which is which.” 

“supercharge your level of self-discipline.”

Put another way self-discipline is the seed that creates your future. What fuels your self-discipline depends on you. If you’re tired of doing the same thing every day without reaping any reward then self-discipline can unlock your hidden potential.

Self-discipline allows you to achieve, more than you give yourself credit for.

Just imagine if you didn’t have the self-discipline to go to work.

What would your life be like?

Would you be able to function at the same level you are now and be able to look after yourself and your family?

Your ability to go to work shows a level of self-discipline you have perhaps never really thought about.

However, what would your life be like if you were able to supercharge your level of self-discipline to achieve anything you wanted?

What would you achieve?

“Most people plan their holidays but how many of us plan our lives.”

How would it impact your life and the people you care about?

Novak Djokovic, arguably the best tennis player in the world explains in the video below that self-discipline is –

preparing yourself as best as possible for what is going to happen on the court. It can give you a sense of freedom and comfort and allows you to feel more confident and allows you to perform at a level that is necessary.”

So like Novak, self-discipline, can help you to master your skills to open up opportunities.

As Novak says this gives you a sense of freedom and comfort because you know you have the tools to be able to create change.

If you look at other amazing athletes like Kobe Bryant who sadly recently passed away, you’ll witness the dedication, resilience, and self-discipline they employed to create the vision for their life they wanted.

“Your ability to go to work shows a level of self-discipline”

When you combine your personal life mission with self-discipline your life takes a different path and you start to control the direction you want to travel in.

If you would like to change your life by tapping into your core values using self-discipline click this link. 

5 Personal Core Values To Change Your Life
The conclusion

life changing personal core valuesAfter reading this article, I would ask you one question.

Do you have the power to change your life?

I would hope that the answer is a resounding YES

Your 5 personal core values to change your life are all about embracing the strength necessary to forge real change.

“Endurance – continuing your goals despite setbacks.”

Every positive and successful person blends the cocktail of –

Goals – the ability to work towards a successful outcome.

Accountability – being responsible for your own happiness

Self-discovery – understanding who you are and what you’re capable of.

Endurance – continuing your goals despite setbacks.

Self-discipline – the ability to sow seeds that you can reap tomorrow.

To discover how to embrace real personal change hit this link and start building a better future.