7 Reasons You Should Become More Open-minded.

5 Reasons You Should become More open-minded

7 Reasons You Should become More open-minded. Perhaps you have never thought about this but there really are amazing opportunities to make a conscious shift to being more open-minded.

It’s not about making dramatic changes but simple incremental changes in your life to see the world in a more panoptic way.  And doing this will boost your confidence, build progression, and help you view the world with a panoramic vision, that has the potential to build life-changing opportunities for you.

  1. The first reason you should become more open-minded is to get to understand yourself better. Doing this will help you relate to people much more easily.

If you’re open about what you stand for and who you are this is an immensely powerful attribute to have and very attractive.

But the truth is Not a lot of people actually know themselves, even if they think they do. And finding yourself can be super challenging.

Hey, I know it’s hard to truly find yourself, to understand yourself to truly know yourself.

I have problems finding myself and accepting myself on many levels and all of us have insecurities. If you don’t believe you do, well that simply isn’t true.

“I believe I’m not tall enough, not bright enough, not popular enough but you know what, I accept that this is a part of life.”

But, being open-minded is about being able to accept yourself on a basic level. It doesn’t mean you ignore what you don’t understand or accept about yourself.

It’s about bringing you to an agreement or understanding if you will, that you’re okay with who you are at this moment.

You may not believe you are a miracle, and that they actually happen, but this is true. ‘If  When you open your mind to miracles—miracles seem to happen.

Use this program to become aware of every form of miracle and remain open for that intercession that delivers amazement in your life!’

To find out more about the miracle of who you are and what you can achieve if you just open your mind to it check out the best Tool for Miracles.

5 Reasons You Should Become More open-minded
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Best Tool for Miracles – When you open your mind to miracles—
miracles seem to happen!

The idea behind being open-minded is opening yourself up to understanding and accepting that you are where you should be and that you are open-minded enough to be open with yourself.

This is the miracle of who you are. 

And this is a very important step in reaching your potential honesty with yourself is hard but the comes with dividends.

So, make that shift today. Ask yourself the question where do you want to be in the next 10 years? What do you want to do with your life?

I would like for you to do, is to write this down so you can refer to it later.

Being clear in your life today, because you’ll be surprised where you will find yourself tomorrow.

  1. The second reason you should become more open-minded is to become more irresistible and attractive to other people.

Just by shifting your perception a little, you can start to see opportunities that you would usually see so you can see the world to the fullest.

And being seen as more irresistible and attractive to others is a great way to start.

I talk about 3 traits that will make you highly irresistible in my last YouTube video which you can view below.

In a nutshell, making the shift towards becoming more open-minded allows you the opportunity to enhance attractive values.

For example, most people find the following values attractive.

Have a good sense of humour, knowledge, understanding, sympathy, consideration, honesty, and show your vulnerable side.

Being hardworking and being real with yourself and others.

The second trait that is going to make you irresistible is the level of optimism you have, and this is often related to being confident in yourself. Confidence is a lot about working on that thing that you want to obtain results from.

So make that shift by putting in the work.

The third trait that is going to make you more irresistible and attractive is how you behave and conduct yourself.

Your body language says a lot about you.

In fact, in the first few seconds of people meeting you, they make an assessment based on your body language.

So write down what values you hold, and your level of optimism you have from 1-10, 10 being high and 1 being low.

And then ask yourself the question what small tweaks can I make to myself more inwardly attractive and irresistible

  1. The third reason you should become more open-minded is this

Tell me what you see here?

5 Reasons you should become more open-minded

You see being open-minded gives you more creative prowess and more panoptic so the more creative you are the more likely you are to be able to flip from seeing both a rabbit and a duck.

As opposed to just a duck or a rabbit.

And the Journal of Research states that people who have this creative prowess impact how they visualize situations and what they consider to be right or wrong. This will give you a higher level of integrity.

  1. The fourth reason you should become more open-minded is to help you become more conscientious.

People who are open-minded have a tendency towards being more reliable, self-disciplined, organized, attentive, and have a strong sense of responsibility.

And this is one of the most sought-after qualities an employer looks for and the powerful personal relationships we form.

In fact, conscientious people are least likely to have a criminal record, most likely to stay married for longer, and more likely to be highly qualified and thrive at work.

If this is you then you have something that should be cherished, if it isn’t then start working on it.

5 Reasons you should become more open-minded
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Inner Talk Soaring Self-Confidence


Wellandgood.com give great advice on this.

They say you should start by deciding what matters most to you, and then eliminate the distractions getting in your way.

Become less emotionally reactive.

So you meet your ex at a party with his new partner. Don’t let this get in the way of what you really want to achieve in life.

Plan ahead, and understand that learning is a lifelong process.

Reward yourself when things go right so you reinforce what you have done that’s working.

Start rewarding yourself right now by checking out the amazing books that are designed to help you build on the opportunities created by becoming more open-minded.

Click this link to check out my recommended books. 

Personal core values books
Click this link to discover more…..
  1. The fifth reason you should become more open-minded is to help you become more patient and understanding. 

You see, not only are people with higher-than-average levels of open-mindedness more willing to listen to opposing ideas, but they’re also more accepting of other races, cultures, and religions.

And how you process what’s happening in your life is coloured by your level of openness. If you’re open-minded your life experiences are going to be different.

The opportunities you see also differ because you’re open to doing things and seeing things in an entirely different way and thinking more rationally.

Opportunities you did not see before will began to form and doors that were previously closed suddenly began to open.  

And guess what?

If opportunity doesn’t knock build a door.

Think about this, are you patient and understanding, or do you need to put in more work? Start by questioning when you have negative views about others.
Inner peace
Build peace and calm in your life by using the recommended tools that will help you with visualization and meditation.

Because let’s face it, without the headspace to sit down and really appreciate the power behind what you can achieve it’s easy to keep standing still.

  1. The sixth reason you should become more open-minded is you are more likely to have positive personality traits.

Your ability to be open-minded is a lot to do with what personality traits you have. Research shows our personality traits are moulded early on in life.  Your experience also influences your personality traits.

Your personality is what people experience when they first meet you. So, you could appear funny, shy, introverted, optimistic, pessimistic are things you present outwardly to the public.

“Life is about the opportunities you create when you’re open-minded.”

The five personality traits are:

Conscientiousness. Extroversion, Agreeableness, Openness to experience, and Neuroticism. Consider which personality trait you have.

Because, when you are open-minded, you get the best of your personality traits.

In addition, you’re less likely to have a disagreeable personality and more likely to have a personality that is well balanced and outgoing, open to experiences, and less neurotic and unstable.

And to kickstart your ability to build your personality by becoming more open-minded here is a collection of powerful subliminal MP3’s and CD’s which I personally recommend.

They will powerfully connect with your unconscious mind and make lasting changes to your thoughts, habits, and behaviour.

5 Reasons you should become more open-minded

  1. The seventh reason you should become more open-minded It allows you to become more content with your life. Once you approach things with an open mind and expand your horizons, you become more appreciative of what you have in life.

Just take the chance and look around and realize that everyone has their problems. It is human nature to mope about it when things in your life aren’t going as you want them, but it is more productive to focus on the things in your life that ARE going right. Chances are once you do that, everything else will fall into place

You can grow to become more open-minded by questioning the negative views you hold

So if you feel you are too close-minded and constantly looking at things from a narrow perspective, use this article to open yourself up to speak to people with a different view and background to you. 

When you do this watch the opportunities in your life grow. 

I have put together some simple yet effective tools to empower you on your personal growth journey. Check out some of my eBooks by clicking the image below……

5 Reasons you should become more open-minded

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