Personal Core Values | Job Satisfaction and Attitude

job Satisfaction

Personal Core Values | Job Satisfaction and Attitude Your Job –I what to start by asking you a question really. Have you fallen out with your job?

Because the truth is when you are in a job it’s a relationship and the question you need to ask yourself is if are you emotionally available? In other words, are you ready for the commitment to having a long-term relationship? This article will help you fall in love with your job.

The question is your job giving you what you need to keep your love life going?

Because the truth is if you’re going to work every day you probably spend more time at work than you are with your partner.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that you may never have been in love with your job in the first place and you may be tempted to dust off your resume and start looking for new work.

But, as Wavelength by Asana states don’t have to quit just yet because what am going to be sharing with you in this article are 5 steps you can take to help rebuild your love affair with your job.

Personal Core Values | Job Satisfaction and Attitude | How To Fall in Love with Your Job
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By creating a brand new attitude about your job by redefining and purposing what you want at work, you can get the max amount of satisfaction.

And the results are amazing. So I want you to stick with me on this because following these simple steps will help you to build a romantic relationship with your job.

  1. Understand What You Want From Your Job

Just like any relationship, for you to be committed you need to know what you’re getting into.

Or to put it another way, what does your relationship at work give you to allow you to stay interested?

Now of course I don’t know exactly what you expect from work but I can hazard a guess because there are essentially 10 things that most people are looking for in their job and they are:

  1. Clear Expectations and Goals – Give your employees a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and objectives.
  2. Growth – People become more motivated when they can develop their skills.
  3. Recognition and Praise – need to feel that what you are making a difference will make you work harder.
  4. Responsibility – you don’t want to be micromanaged.
  5. Trust – candid about what going on, no secrets or mistrust
  6. Communication – most people want to know what’s going on in their team and as an individual.
  7. Respect – valued and appreciated.
  8. Learning – Continuous training to stay focused and to date.
  9. Achievement – Wish to feel that you’re winning at work.
  10. Pride in the Work – What you’re doing is on point. 

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  1. Be Honest With Yourself

I want you to do is cast your mind back to when you first got your job.

How did you feel?

Starting a new job can feel like moving to a new town, it’s a chance to start over, reinvent yourself and do something great.

How do you feel about it now?

It’s an obligation, or even worse, a source of anxiety.

But I want you to stick with me here because I will explain how you can turn things around in your own unique way to start to fall in love again with your job.

It’s just like the relationship you might have with your partner or a potential partner what attitude are you bringing into your party.

Is it positive, negative it neutral?

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Back to falling in love with your job, I want you to think about what attitude your managers have?

Is the company able to meet your commitments?

You need to be honest with yourself about the way you feel about your job because for a romance to happen to create 100% job satisfaction both parties need to be committed to at least 50%. If you’re not there lays the issue.   

Consider, if you’re not performing well at work, think about why this is? Be honest with yourself.

Is this the reason you’re not given recognition, respect trust, responsibility growth etc?

What attitude do you have about work?

Think about whether your workplace is capable of delivering what you need to be able to grow.

Whatever you are going through at work building inner peace of mind and calm is important to allow you to deal with challenges.

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Because your attitude is made up of three parts:

  • Emotional – the emotion you bring to the workplace is important. Do you feel undervalued?
  • The second aspect is your cognitive skills – If you feel undervalued this will impact your cognitive skills and your relationship with your managers and co-workers.
  • This brings me to the second aspect of your attitude you’re behaviour – if you don’t have any or some of the 10 things we talk about then this will affect your emotional and cognitive behaviour.

Do you feel that you agree with most of your team members most of the time or do you feel they hold different views from yours that make you feel uncomfortable and devalued?

If you and your team don’t share the same views has it ever been the source of conflict?

So how can you fix this at work?

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  1. Build Connectivity Between Your Emotion,  Cognitive Skills and Behaviour 

To do this you need to do is to reposition what you are doing in your job and rethink, and remould it on your terms.

Interestingly enough however you should start with a solid foundation to build trust in yourself.

  1. Understand that no matter what happens at work, you define who you are. So be confident in who you are no matter what’s going on at work. 
  2. So how do you reposition, remould and rethink your job, well run it as if you are running your own business? The harder you work the more money you earn. But, understand that it isn’t necessarily about working hard it’s about working smart. What would you do if you were in a job if you wanted to earn the maximum amount of money? Think about the things you can do to make your business easier. How could automate tasks so it takes less time?
  1. You might be thinking why should I work a job as if I was working for my own business? Well, I’m going to come back to this later because there are real benefits.
  2. If you feel overwhelmed at work focus on being in the moment and think about finishing one task at a time. Imagine if you were building a house you need to build the foundation first.

Personal Core Values and Job Satisfaction and Attitude | How To Fall in Love with Your Job

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  1. If you don’t manage to finish a task don’t beat yourself up about it, move forward with picking up the task the next day and dive deep into your own sense of worth and value the contribution you bring to your job. Even if it isn’t where you think it should be. The fact that you have shown up to work is something you should appreciate in itself because when you start feeling good about yourself you start feeling good about your work.
  2. If you’re going through a crisis at work speak to a sympathetic friend, your manager, or a team member to talk things through. In many ways, the relationship you have with your manager is the defining factor in your happiness at work. As the adage goes, “you don’t quit your job, you quit your manager,” Let them know how you feel, Bring a friend with you into the meeting for support if you need it.
  1. Play to your strengths research shows that the more we employ our natural talents, the more likely we are to be happier at work and more engaged. Query your friends, a partner, coworkers, or a manager if there is particular talent or strength that you might have that you could be utilizing more.
  2. Praise yourself whenever you do something well, don’t always look for others to make you appreciate yourself.

4.  Adopt A Global Approach To Self = Personal Core Values and Job Satisfaction and Attitude.

Is based on ‘be so good they can’t ignore you.’ This is a book by Cal Newport that states that Skill and ability trump passion. It is crucial to understand the Personal Core Values to build job satisfaction and boost your attitude at work | How To Fall in Love with Your Job.

  • Okay, I get it you may not be passionate about your job but as Cal Newport states passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it.


Personal Core Values and Job Satisfaction and Attitude | How To Fall in Love with Your JobConfidence With The Opposite Sex

  • So what you need to do according to Newport is appreciate that training and developing your skills is a never-ending journey of discovery, there is no room for complacency. Any disconnect or dissatisfaction in your job, then it’s because you haven’t properly learned the skills required for the job fast enough.
  • Newport believes you should not shy away from asking for candid feedback about whatever it is you want to excel at because when you get positive feedback it’s good, but when you get negative feedback it will help you can learn from it and grow.
  • So it goes back to having a global approach to self. Playing to your strengths, learning and growing. So even if you’re doing a boring job, you can get satisfaction from it by doing it well.
  • Doing a job no matter how seemingly insignificant well has massive implications because just like if you’re doing a job like your running a business guess what it can open doors to promotion and even if you chose to leave your job, you’ll have bigger and better opportunities.

But the key is to invest in yourself, not just your job. Learn skills that are transferable that will help you gain results no matter which job you are in. because it is this that will create real job satisfaction.

Knowing that you have the potential to achieve far more,

This is how to fall in love with your job.

Personal Core Values and Job Satisfaction and Attitude | How To Fall in Love with Your Job