Personal Core Values: How To Find Direction In Life


Personal Core Values: To Find Direction in Life. So, you want more out of life, more direction, more purpose, more of the best of life? Because you know you’re better than this.

But you can’t quite figure it out, because, there are so many things going on in your life, that it’s difficult to find clarity and meaning.

“If you don’t know who you truly are, you’ll never know what you really want.”

 Roy T. Bennett

You make 35,000 decisions a day, so your running on empty?

You don’t know what decision to make where, how, or when?

You want more from life but don’t know how to get it.

I know…..

I’ve been there too.

So, stay tuned.

And discover your WHY?

So, you can’t wake out of bed in the morning feeling good about yourself.

You want to crawl back into bed, but it’s getting late.

And you have things to do.

So, What Is Your Why?

Your WHY is what wakes you up in the morning and does a double backflip summersault.


“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

T. S. Eliot

It is that thing that makes your heart sing.

Your dream, and you do have a dream.

To help you on your road to fulfilling your dream, from time to time, I recommend courses that will help you get a head start on maximizing your life. These courses are amazingly helpful in ensuring you believe in yourself. If you believe you can achieve that thing that makes your heart sing, you are halfway there. So do yourself the biggest favour, check out the Brian Tracy University by clicking the link below.

Personal Core Values: To Find Direction in Life
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And it’s the dream that points to the directions to your fulfillment.

But hey, you have a long way to go my friend.

And it’s already late.

You’re late to the party but the bus has left just yet. There is still time so hop aboard

So, let the journey begin.

You need to understand what you stand for.

What do you believe in at your core?

Is it believing that you can do better than this……….

Because, here’s what, your dreams can become a reality.

But you need to get deep down and dirty to dig out what you believe at your core.

Because without knowing your core values you’re little more than a rabbit in the headlight.

As a Christian, I believe that God has given us all the tools we need to be whole and fulfilled.

He defines the core beliefs we should have and the talents we hold

And deep down, I believe you know what your why is, but to help you on your journey check out these amazing books which I highly recommend.

Personal core values booksClick this link to discover more…..

He defines the core beliefs we should have and the talents we hold

And deep down, I believe you know what your why is.

You just need to claim it.

And when you claim it, the gifts given to you by God, that is

“The fruits of the spirit Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.”

Contentment will come from your inner spirit

God has created you, to believe in yourself.

You have a unique talent that God has given you.

So, what talent has he given you?

Your special personality, then claim it.

Your ability to listen – claim it.

Your determination in life, yes you have this even though you may not know it.

Your musical abilities, passion for life, charisma, wisdom teaching skills, or preaching skills. Claim it, it’s yours but you forgot to take it.

Claim what are you good at. Use your wisdom be wise and put it to use to help

Others.Personal Achievement and core values

 Click this link to discover more

Claim what are you good at. Use your wisdom to be wise and put it to use to help your community.

But how do you find your true why?

I knew from an early age, that I didn’t want to follow the normal path. I was excited by the opportunity to beat to my own drum and follow a unique path that would make me fulfilled. 

I soon realized, however, that society has a habit of telling us that in order to fit in we need to be like everybody else.

And that includes you, my friend.

I remember when I was 18, I went to work in the city of London, standing in busy Victoria station on a weekday,

I witnessed people marching, dashing, and jostling to get to the overground station.

I recall being taken aback at how mindless and emotionless everyone appeared. It seemed almost as if they had been pre-programmed to get from A – B within the shortest time possible, regardless of whatever stood in their way.

You see, they had an indefatigable determination to get to work.

To do whatever that thing was they felt they needed to do.

I remember thing even if there was a raging inferno they would just walk right into it, such was their oblivion to their surroundings.

Surprisingly, however, man and this is true. I soon l realized that in order to survive the rat race, I would need to adopt the same pattern of behaviour as everyone else.

And my friends, so do you.

You see, without complying with what everyone else is doing,  you won’t be able to tune into the rhythm of mediocrity, assimilate into society and perform and behave in a way that was expected of you.

And for me, at the tender age of 18, I was already conditioned to try to fit in, not bump into any walls, or do anything to embarrass my family. I was told I needed to do well at school, become self-sufficient by bagging a good job, and go on and succeed from there.

Guided Meditation and core values
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You see, for the large part, society surreptitiously programs us from a very early age to live mediocre lives, leading to a boring and uneventful existence.

So almost from the day, we’re born our parents teach us not to challenge norms. This prevents us from connecting with our natural self, which makes it very difficult to find our WHY.

But, NOW you have suddenly found the time to sit down and reflect on what really brings meaning to each moment of your life?

Now my friends you will discover your WHY.

And if you’re looking to see how you can plan your life, so you can pinpoint the steps you will need to take to find your WHY look no further than Day Designer.

They specialize in luxury day planners and fillable binders, They have a complete professional look with this luxurious leather planner, complete with gold details! The Day Designer A5 6-ring refillable binder is a completely customizable planning system. Buy your refillable leather binder once, increase productivity, then refill with planning pages as you need them!  Store credit cards, receipts, or notes and keep a pen handy, all in one beautiful planner. Click the link below to find out more. 

Day Designer Core Values
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I did exactly this and what happened to me was extraordinary.

I suddenly saw my life as steps to achieving my personal life mission. The little things that would normally upset me and disturb my piece took a back seat. I began to look at my life on a higher level, I stopped complaining and bickering about the little things that would ordinarily make me feel down because I knew I had a greater mission.

And so do you.

My life as a Christian has helped me get through the tough times and my WHY like the Bible states my house is built on solid rock.

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” 

At this moment, I stepped out of the box, well I throw away the box.

Because it was containing me for far too long.

So, I want you to look around you, are you living your life in a box?

Are you worried about how you’re going to pay your next bills, instead of how you’re going to meet your goals, celebrating yourself for who you are and what God has made you?

Are you setting your life up for success?

So, let me ask you a question what do you believe at your core?

If you don’t know, well let me ask you another question

What do you think you should be doing with your life right now?

What you do believe in your soul?

Whatever it is you need to claim it……….

Stop telling yourself you can’t find the time.

Stop telling yourself you are not important enough.

Be what you should be, who you truly are…..

Don’t tell me you can’t find the time to be who you are…..

Have you written down what you believe at your core?


 “And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”

Well, that’s why you still searching for your why.

You have a choice right now. Claim it. By writing it down.

Write down what you believe in.

How do you want the world to change?

To help you on your journey to find direction and purpose, I have put together some amazing tools designed to empower your development. Click to get your personal development tools now!

Tools to Supercharge your development
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What good would it do?

I believe The choices we make ultimately define who we are as a person.

But you need to make the right choices because the edges in life can be thin.

Engage life as actively as possible, because it can be short. We need to listen to our inner spirit and dance in sync with it.

Why are you afraid to grab your community and work to leave it better?

Why shy away from thriving to do the right thing in the right way.

You see you have many attributes buried within your core beliefs from love to honesty to optimism to laughter.

From your core, beliefs pour our very soul for all to see and experience.

They make you who you are.

Yes, and that special, it’s so special you could be shying away from it because you’re too afraid to shine.

But shine you must find your why?

To be a true reflection of who you really are.

And I want you to shine, boy do I want you to shine.

Why because I have found my why, and that is to help you find yours so you can shine.

So, am going to give you the formula to find your why

Are you ready?

WHY = What Values You Believe at Your Core? = Creating a Personal Mission Statement = Taking Action =  Personal Fulfilment

To find out what values you need to go deep

And to help you go deep I’ve put Your ultimate Guide to defining what you believe in the description below.

Personal Core Values List 600 | Your Ultimate Guide

I know this is going to be tough for you, but life is tough.

Nothing comes easy if it’s worth striving for.

I used to think my mission in life was to exist and be happy, but life is so much more complicated than that.

There are barriers to being happy,

“Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing, and work hard”

– Will Smith

There are barriers to life period, but to get through whatever’s stopping you from finding the direction you need to stay focused.

Because your goal is finding that thing, that will make it all worthwhile.


“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.”

– Will Smith

This is all about you here, and the people you care about.

It’s about helping the people you care about.

And finding your why is the answer to the question that you have been searching for.

No more games, no more hiding no more shame

Just you and going deep and then deeper still.

This is a journey you won’t want to stop.

It can be lonely, it can be hard, but it will be worth it.

So, I am here to help you, but I can’t do it alone, I need to take you with me.

On your journey of self-discovery.

And who knows, you may thank me later, but I can’t do it in just one article.

It takes time to grow, time to change, time to find the real you.

So, in the next article, I will go deeper into finding your WHY.

And delve into the personal mission statement that will change the way you look at life forever.

Coming up next