5 Super Personal Core Values For Your Development

BeCore Vaules for Development

5 Super Personal Core Values For Your Development. Have you ever wondered how you can develop and excel with the tools you already have within you? I was eager to find out why some people continue to grow and achieve remarkable success while the rest of us settle for whatever society gives us. With this in mind, I spent many hours researching the 5 best personal core values for development and this is what I found.

What Are Personal Core Values?

5 Best Core Values personal core values

Our core values act as a GPS guiding and directing how you live your life. They let you know what’s right from wrong, what decision you should be making and why. The core values Vision, Faith, Personal Autonomy, Harmony and Love. Although you don’t choose your personal core values it’s possible to develop positive habits that transmute into our values. 

To find out how you can use these five core values to take control of the important things that matter to you that will boost your personal development read on.

5 Super Personal Core Values For
Your Development
1# Vision 

Best Core Values for personal development

The definition of vision is – the ability to think or plan your future with imagination and wisdom.

Without a road map, it’s easy to become lost and confused about what you should be doing to improve your life. A vision, however, gives you the insight to work out what decisions you should make. Your vision will help you plan your life so you can find your best self.

“start your journey to empower your personal growth.”

If having a vision is one of your core values, it means you give it that extra special status so it governs what you do and affects how your life plays out.

The American entrepreneur and motivational speaker Tony Robbins stated that having a vision that encourages us to sort out really matters. He said the consequences of a lack of focus would result in someone or something using your time to build their vision.

“they make you do a backflip to wake up in the morning.”

He makes the analogy between socializing with friends and spending your time drinking your favourite coffee with a slice of cake every day and investing in your personal development.

personal core values
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The two choices have very different outcomes. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having some downtime. But it’s important to examine whether you’re devoting sufficient time to building your vision for your future or just whiling away your time.

As you will discover from this article the best way to begin to focus on what you want from life is to work out your core of who you are and what you profoundly believe in. In my ebook, “7 Core Values of the Most Phenomenally Successful People”.

I explain that if you want to live an authentic and happy life you should establish what your core values are and harness their power. Once done, you should align your actions with your fundamental values which will give you the drive and make you remarkably mentally strong and successful. Click this link to discover these books and more….

In fact, I have devoted an entire article to help you discover yours and how you can use it to tap into the personal power you already have, click the link to access the article. 7 Hacks to Discover Your Personal Core Values

A Clear Vision For Your Future

Your personal values

When you have a vision as a personal core value, it gives you a blueprint to follow to manifest the important things you want to achieve. The clearer your vision the greater your commitment should be.

Just imagine if you could achieve whatever you focus on.

What would you do with your newfound talent?

“vision will also produce the willpower and stamina”

How would it help you to grow?

How would you help the people you care about?

Your ability to focus on the thing that will advance your development is life-changing.

For example, you want to learn a new skill that will bring in more money for you and your family. You get excited about what changes it will make in your life.

The more focus you have the more your amazing vision for your life will appear. The vision you generate from the benefits of getting a new job will ignite your desire to do what it takes to make it happen.  So you will find the time to research the potential courses you could go on to improve your skills.

“It should make you excited and alive”

Your vision will also produce the willpower and stamina to take the course and see it through to the end. Having a vision behind your actions makes getting through tough times easier.

When you are able to visualize being able to pay for your daughter’s new computer, see yourself buying a new car or a new home it motivates you to achieve more.

Your core values will empower you to map out your own path and find your best self.

The Value of Having One Vision

Positive attitude and core values

Click this link to discover more….Your vision becomes even more powerful if you limit it to one thing at a time. In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, states that if you dedicate yourself to ONE primary definitive goal, and put 100% of your energy into achieving it, it’s far more likely to make it happen. If you’re interested in finding out more about these incredible books, hit this link.

The entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn put forward another view and talks about the value of creating a list of things you want to achieve. The list is made up of the vision you want to achieve.

It should make you excited and alive because they should emanate from your core values, they make you do a backflip to wake up in the morning.

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open”

Rohn went on to say that when you achieve something on the list you should tick it off.

The act of ticking off an item on your list should bring a feeling of empowermeThe One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results: Achieve your goals with one of the world's best...nt and to Rohn, should be something you celebrate.

The physical act of ticking something off your list should he states fuel your desire to tick off more items from your list to supercharge your sense of achievement.

This quote by Paulo Coelho sums up the value of having a vision very neatly –

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.”

Faith 2# Super Personal Core Values For Your

The next core value that will super boost your personal growth is having faith.

The definition of faith is –

loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person. “keep the faith“; “they broke faith with their investors”. Faith trust or confidence in the intentions or abilities of a person, object, or ideal.”

“faith you’ll be able to make it through the storm”

You can faith in someone or something –

So you can have faith in God as I do, in yourself, in your friends in an organization you can have faith in almost anything.

When you have faith in God, it means –

“Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

As a Christian, I believe that faith in God plays a large part in our personal growth.

“When you have faith in God, it means –

“Having faith in your own abilities is the first step towards real personal growth”

This is because instead of just focusing on our own selfish needs we get to think about what God wants us to do.

Although you may not have faith in God, do you have faith in other people you care about?

Faith as a personal core value is for the large part about the relationships you form with other people. However, it’s important not to focus on placing your faith and trust in any one person, because chances are they will let you down and this will stunt your personal growth.

The Power of Faith As A Core Value

The power of Faith it’s the power to make you become mentally strong. Because as you may already have experienced at any given time in our lives we go through difficult times. It might be a relationship breakup, losing a loved one, or another life-changing event that shakes our confidence.

However, if you have faith you’ll be able to make it through the storm because with faith comes hope. In fact, if you look at some of the world’s most successful and purposeful people they all of them have been able to make it through tough times.  People such as –

  1. Albert Einstein – had a learning disability.
  2. Bill Gates – has dyslexia.
  3. Tom Cruise – grew up in poverty dominated by an abusive father.
  4. Nelson Mandela – was imprisoned for 27 years
  5. Jim Carrey –  was homeless and has dyslexia
  6. Franklin D. Roosevelt – became partially paralyzed.
  7. Victor Frankl – Imprisoned in several concentration camps by the Nazis.

Having faith in your own abilities is the first step towards real personal growth and development.

The American Actor Bruce Lee development is to 

“Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”

Do you have faith in yourself?

If yes, when you look at your own life can you see how your faith has allowed you to overcome adversity.

If you want to build more faith in yourself, then check out my website on core values where I put a ton of content on how you can use your core values to empower your life.

Personal Autonomy 3# Super Personal Core Values For Your Development 

The next personal core value that can increase your development is personal autonomy.

Like empowerment personal autonomy is your ability to pursue your personal goals and objectives without being restricted or hindered by what others expect of you.

The power of personal autonomy comes from being able to follow your own path and develop the confidence to do what’s in your best interest.

Holistic personal autonomy, however, should come with the willingness to take account the needs of others.

As Abhijit Naskar said ­

“We all have the power to influence others. It is up to us, whether we are going to abuse that power to manipulate people or use it to help others.”

“people see harmony as an attractive quality”

The American motivational speaker Tony Robbins adds by saying your ability to add to your community not only helps you develop but heightens your feelings of fulfillment, satisfaction, or happiness.

I’ve included personal autonomy as one of the  5 best personal core values for your development because of its unique power to fuel your desire to develop your full potential.

Just imagine if your personal autonomy meant you had the freedom to help the people you really care about.

What would you do with your newfound gift?

What people would you help?

Personal autonomy often comes through not caring about what other people expect of you. But instead fostering your own high expectation for yourself and over-delivering on what you promise yourself.

It also involves having the wisdom, insight, and resolve to follow your dream and believe in what you stand for. This is a powerful way of enforcing your own development.

Freedom and Your Personal Autonomy

As you will see from the above video, the American film director Quentin Tarantino had a heated argument with a UK channel, four journalists when he was asked about the link between the violence in his film Django and real-life violence.

The movie was criticized for violent scenes. But, when asked about why he liked making violent movies, Tarantino said because he thought it was good cinema.

He was then asked why he was so sure there was no correlation between violent movies and real violence.

Tarantino refused to answer the question saying –

“harmony boosts your capacity to see things for what they really are”

“Don’t ask me a question like that, I’m not biting, I refuse your question”.

When asked why?

Tarantino said “because I refuse your question”

“I’m not your slave and you’re not my master, you can’t make me dance to your tune, I’m not a monkey.”

Do you think Tarantino was demonstrating his right to personal autonomy?

Was he exercising his right to produce a movie despite the disapproval of others, beating to his own drum and nobody else’s?

“harmony is the ability to live with balance”

Personal autonomy comes in many shades. But, the important thing to bear in mind is the massive potential you have to do good by developing your own life and the lives of others.

I have written extensively on how you can live an authentic and happy life by understanding your personal core values  If you would like to discover more hit this link to start your journey of discovery.

Harmony 4# Best Personal Core Values For Your

Another very dynamic personal core value that can improve your development in harmony.

The definition of harmony is the ability to live with balance in an emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental capacity.

In a life where you’re consistently seeing things as worst than they are, or conversely imagine things being better than they are, your life becomes unbalanced stunting your development. However, harmony boosts your capacity to see things for what they really are. This enables you to build positive relationships with others with greater mental awareness.

Harmony also builds development by affording you the headspace and peace of mind to consider what your personal growth looks like. And then to take steps to make it happen. I found some really cool tools which I love and cherish because it builds a balance in all the important facets of your life. They introduced a holistic love Life and work balance. These tools build resilience helping you to shine even when the going gets tough. Click this link to find out more…..

I remember listening to a talk by the American Actor Morgan Freeman. He said that how many times we say, I wish I had done that, I wish I had done this. But the bus runs every day.

What’s stopping you from jumping on that bus, is you. Click this link if you have the guts to up on that bus.

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Active healthy happy life
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“beating to his own drum and nobody else’s”

The most magical thing about harmony is the ability to empower your journey of self-discovery to facilitate your short and long-term development.

I’ve included harmony as of the 5 best personal core values for your development As a fundamental value, it generates an unbridled feeling of peace, tranquillity, and calm.

Just imagine being in a difficult situation and being conflicted in your relationships. What part does harmony play?

Well, harmony as a core value enables you to become more patient, prepared to listen and work things through.

How Can You Develop More Harmony? 

Well, one way is by adjusting the way you speak to yourself.

Is your “self-speak” boosting your self-esteem? If no, it definitively should be.

So instead of saying-

“I’ll never be able to get a promotion I’m not bright enough.”

You should be saying –

“If I work hard enough, I will be able to achieve a promotion because I have all the tools within me to make it happen”.

In the same way instead of saying

“I don’t deserve it to meet anyone who truly loves me”

Say –

“I will meet that special someone who loves and cares about me, I will never give up hope and will keep believing it will happen.”

“harmony is the ability to empower your journey”

You could even go a step further and ask your friends or family members if they know anyone who is single looking and to find a positive and meaningful relationship.

Another way harmony can build your development is to acknowledge the things that you can control, and change and the things that you can neither control nor influence.

Let’s face it there’s nothing more frustrating than wasting time worrying about things you have no control over. What you can control, however, you respond to problems that play a large part in your personal development.

So, just like the weather, you can’t control it but you can control what you wear to manage it. So, take off your jacket if it gets too hot, put it on if it gets too cold.

Your 5 best personal core values for your development personal about adapting to change and building and balancing your feelings and taking measured actions to change things.

Harmony Is An Attractive Attribute

Along with this, people see harmony as an attractive quality, they will enjoy being around you because you’re steady, calm, and measured. You’ll be surprised how this in itself, will enhance your development.

Abdul Kalam an aerospace scientist said harmony is –

“enhance your self-confidence ….heighten your self-esteem.”

“Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is harmony in the house; when there is harmony in the house, there is order in the nation; when there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.”

Love 4# Best Personal Core Values For Your

Discover love and personal core values
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The final personal core value that will charge your development is your ability to love and be loved. I have searched and found some really useful tools which can help you if you are finding it difficult to find love or to keep love.

I know, from the relationships I have had that it’s easy to doubt yourself. I’m I good enough, good-looking enough, worthy enough to hold down a relationship? 

The truth is you are that and more but do you really believe it?

Finding the right person can be difficult but here’s the thing once you find that special person who accepts you for you it can bring joy and hope.

Don’t be afraid to click this link to find out more.  

The definition of love is – to like another very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family.

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness…”

Love is arguably one of the most powerful emotions you can possess. When you love someone it creates a strong bond between you and the other person. It brings feelings of affection and endearment.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy”

Such feelings not only enhance your self-confidence they heighten your self-esteem. They are in and of themselves positive core values that will boost your development and feeling of self-worth.

True love makes you forget your own selfish needs and focus on what’s important.

Your personal development and your ability to love and be loved is – best explained by his Bible verse which states –

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

“start your development now”

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is a crucial part of your development because it encourages you to give more than you receive. To me, –

To love is a dance
Love is like music
Love gives you the spirit to celebrate who you really are…..

To appreciate love as a core value and the benefits it can bring, hit this link and start discovering how love can fuel your development. 

Conclusion of the 5 Best Personal Core Values For Your Development 

I hope you found your 5 best personal core values for your development helpful and you’re ready to build a more holistic and happy future.

Development often happens when you’re forced to dig deep to find your hidden strength. But, why wait for something to happen start your development now, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

True development, is having the impetus to discover how you can contribute to the world to make it a better place.

“maximise your life”

The personal core values that will empower you to do this are –

Personal autonomy

Your 5 best personal core values for your development all work together to maximize your life and develop in ways you never thought possible.

5 Super Personal Core Values For
Your Development
What is personal development? Your 5 best personal core values for your development involves harnessing your psychological and physical circumstances. The aim is to build self-confidence, happiness, and positive energy. Your personal development means dispelling your own self-imposed limitation and is a never-ending process of building self-discovery and positive momentum.
Vision Without a road map, it’s easy to become lost and confused about what you should be doing to improve your life. A vision, however, gives you the insight to work out what decisions you should make. Your vision will help you plan your life so you can find your best self.
Faith The power of Faith takes many forms. But it’s the ability to make you become mentally strong. But as you may already have experienced at any given time in our lives we go through difficult times. It might be a relationship breakup, losing a loved one, or another life-changing event that shakes our confidence. –
However, if you have faith you’ll be able to make it through the storm because with faith comes hope.
Personal Autonomy The power of personal autonomy comes from being able to follow your own path and develop the confidence to do what’s in your best interest.

Holistic personal autonomy, however, should come with the willingness to take into account the needs of others. Find out what you need to develop your autonomy.

Harmony Harmony also builds development by affording you the headspace and peace of mind to consider what your personal growth looks like. And then to take steps to make it happen.

So, one of the most magical things about harmony is the ability to empower your journey of self-discovery to facilitate your short and long-term development.

Love Love not only enhances your self-confidence they heighten your self-esteem. They are in and of themselves positive core values that will boost your development and feeling of self-worth. Find out how you can supercharge

So if you would like to learn more about how you can develop your life and start achieving the things that are most important to you hit this link.